Greetings From The Peanut Gallery!

  Okay, for those that know me well, you know this is a stretch for me. For those that don't know me, hopefully that will change.
     I call this 'Comments From the Peanut Gallery' for the most part because I like the old saying "No comments from the peanut gallery", which means that most people don't want or like to have unsolicited, or uneducated comments on things they believe are "Important." Oh yes, I went there. :-)
     There are some of us in the 'Peanut Gallery', who truly are educated but just prefer to remain where we are most comfortable. The old peanut gallery, or balcony seats for the poorer patrons, from the Legislative buildings (where peanut shells were thrown down in silent protest to unpopular speeches), the vaudeville shows, and eventually the movie theaters is gone, but our spirit lives on. We have a voice. We have an opinion.